Welcome To March, The Sacred Month
The beauty and exotic nature of Bali is indeed a tourist attraction to visit in this March. But do you know ? The attractiveness of Bali is not only the beauty of nature , the uniqueness and sanctity of tradition is also one thing that should not be missed.
If you want to know the tradition of Bali you must visit in this March. This month there is the Nyepi holiday, the big holiday commemorates the new year of Caka 1940.
Here are the special activities that can be enjoyed by tourists before and after Nyepi.
Before Nyepi.
Ogoh-ogoh festival held day one before Nyepi. This festival is one of the favorite festival of the tourists. Ogoh-ogoh is a giant puppet made of paper pulp or it could be from styrofoam and the structure is made of bamboo.
The giant puppet normally have form of mythological beings, mostly demons. In its main function, Ogoh-ogoh as Bhuta Kala (Bhuta: eternal energy, Kala: eternal time) representation. This ogoh ogoh statue will be paraded around the village on the afternoon of Pangrupukan Day, the day before Nyepi.
Nyepi is a day of silence and self-reflection. The day is celebrated on the first day of the Caka lunar calendar.
At this time all Hindus do Catur Barata Penyepian ritual, which means there are 4 rituals that must be done at the time nyepi. The ritual is to Amati Geni (not to light a fire / light), Amati Karya (not doing any activity, but do the inner reflection), Amati Lelunganan (calm down and not disturb others) and also Amati Lelaguan (requires people in Bali to refrain from entertainment and clear the mind).
When the Nyepi day no activities outside the home, people are prohibited from leaving their homes (start from 06 .00 until 06.00 / 24 hour). This exit ban also applies to tourists. But do not worry, many hotels and inns that offer Nyepi package, so the tourists will not feel bored when Nyepi.
After Nyepi
Day one after Nyepi referred to as Ngembak Geni. Bali residents stay in touch with relatives. One of the exciting traditions of the Ngembak Geni Day is the Med-Medan ritual or also known as Omed-Omedan.
Go to Sesetan Village in Denpasar, tourists can meet young Balinese kissing in turn.
The procession is so crowded and boisterous. Despite the festive impression, local people view it as a sacred ritual to reject bad luck that has been run for generations.
So if you to enjoy the sacred Bali atmosphere and want to know more about traditional Bali, immediately schedule your holiday trip safely with our Bali Safest Driver.
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June 4, 2018
June 4, 2018